Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Hummingbirds Favorite Tree...

...and mine too!
I've captured many of my hummingbird photos around this tree.
My feeders are on each side of it about 25 feet apart.
They love the underlying empty branches to perch on,
allowing me to captures some awesome photos.

I've been doing some homework on my Purple Haze.
Its real name is Jacaranda mimosifolia.
I was worried it was at the end of its life cycle
since we have been living here 20 yrs now.

They actually last some 200 years.

I have seen a few red ones around town and hope to find a few to plant.
I also learned how to start some from the seed pods it drops.
Since it will take 7 yrs to even 14 yrs to bloom when planted by seed,
I plan to buy some that are older.
With my brown thumb, they might not grow from seed.

Some universities plant them around campus since they represent knowledge
Jacaranda is known for wisdom,
 rebirth, wealth, and good luck. 
Legend has it, if the flower falls on your head, it means good fortune. It has happened often to me when I've been outside, but
I will continue to believe our good fortune comes from God.
After all, He is the one who created the trees.

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